Guest Dr. Jenn Salib-Huber, ND, RD - "Intuitive Eating"

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In the second episode of Bite-Sized Balance, host Wendy McCallum, Certified Burnout & Balance Coach, interviews Jenn Salib-Huber, Registered Dietitian, and Naturopathic Doctor. In Wendy's opinion, the commercial weight loss system is brilliantly designed to create a lifelong customer, but the cycle it perpetuates is destroying women's psyches. Did you know the failure rate for diets is a whopping 95%?


There's a better & kinder way to get healthy, and intuitive eating principles are key. As Jenn says, "nutrition needs to come from a place of self-care, not self-control". The conversation gets a bit spicy as Wendy & Jenn share their collective 26+ years of experience working with women, exploring their relationship with food and the lies we've been "fed" by the conventional weight loss industry.


In practice for more than 16 years, Jenn helps women navigate the physical and emotional...

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Guest Dr. Sarah Baillie, ND - aka The Meno Whisperer

Uncategorized Aug 26, 2020

Watch the podcast call with video, above, or download/listen, below!

In this podcast episode, Dr. Baillie and I reference a graph image that shows the wild fluctuations of women's hormones during perimenopause. Here it is - the middle image is what we were talking about:

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