The New Alcohol Guidelines in Canada with Ann Dowsett Johnston (Author of Drink):

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If you recently saw the revised drinking guidelines in Canada and gasped, you’re not alone. Most Canadians are drinking more than two drinks a week, the new low-risk maximum.

Ann Dowsett Johnston is an award-winning journalist and the bestselling author of Drink: The Intimate Relationship Between Women and Alcohol, a book named one of the top 10 of the year by the Washington Post. Ann is also now a psychotherapist, and my friend, mentor and writing coach.  

Ann joins me for a discussion about the alcohol consumption guidelines in Canada released by the Centre on Substance Use and Addiction in January, which replace the 2011 Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines. The new guidelines present a continuum of health risks associated with different levels of alcohol consumption, including the risks of breast and colon cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Ann and I discuss what now constitutes low-risk, moderate, and...

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How to Get Unstuck (In Your Career, Relationship or Habits!)

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Are you stuck in a job, habit, or relationship that’s not serving you? Maybe you’re struggling with whether you should stick it out a little longer in case it gets better. In this episode, I share the approach I use with coaching clients who are feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled to help them gain clarity, get unstuck, and start taking action to create the life, habits, and relationships they dream of. I explain how to articulate the fear behind your resistance to change, how to make as many uncertainties in your situation “certain” to reduce that fear and anxiety, and a simple tracking system I use with my clients that will help you know when it’s time to leave. My unique approach is flexible and helpful no matter where you are feeling stuck, whether it’s your career, your marriage, a friendship, or an unhealthy habit like alcohol.

Need help getting started? Download your free...

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Dr. Jenn Salib-Huber: Making Peace with Your Body in Midlife

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My friend Jenn Salib-Huber is a Registered Dietitian, Naturopathic Doctor, and intuitive eating advocate who provides health and hormone education to women in midlife without a side of diet culture, so they can make peace with food, aging, and hot flashes and find the confidence they deserve in midlife.

In this episode of Bite-Sized Balance, Jenn and I discuss the concept of “un-dieting your life”, body neutrality v. body positivity, the second peak of body dissatisfaction that occurs in perimenopause, the real factors that contribute to our weight regulation (they're not what you think!), and why weight loss will never protect us from a negative body image.

We also discuss how we, as mothers, can help break the generational cycle and give our kids freedom from body image issues. 

I reflect on my experience with weight and intuitive eating principles after ditching the scale five years ago and moving...

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Wendy’s 5 Year Alcohol-Free Anniversary (With Guest Host Christy Osborne)

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Fellow This Naked Mind coach and friend Christy Osborne joins me to celebrate my five-year anniversary of quitting drinking. 

I share my alcohol story, including my “last straw(s)” and talk about everything that has changed for me (big and small!) since I had my last drink.

Christy and I discuss some of the surprise gifts of going alcohol-free, how we parent and role model around the topic of drinking, and we both share a drinking story that used to bring us shame but now just makes us proud to be non-drinkers. 

I reflect on empty nesting and how different the last few months would likely have looked if I hadn’t stopped drinking.

Christy and I discuss the evolution of the sober curious movement and the normalization of the conversation around sobriety as nothing more than a positive wellness choice.


Questioning your drinking? Start here (for free): ...

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What to Expect When You’re Empty Nesting (with BFF Megan)

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My best friend Megan and I, who have five young adult children between us, reflect on our transition to an empty nest together this fall. We share the story of our unique lifelong friendship, and our shared experience entering motherhood, midlife, and now empty nesting together. We recount some of our favourite parts of living without kids again and some of the unforeseen challenges (or are they perks?) like chocolate-covered peanuts for lunch and key lime pie for dinner, playlist control (Piano Chill, anyone?), finding a “new normal” with your partner, and the lack of any requirement to follow a routine.

We discuss the toughest parts of not having your children close by and share what we did to find our own sense of purpose before our nests emptied and how that has helped to make this a surprisingly joyful time of life. We explore the idea of anticipatory grief and provide some very helpful insight into how to...

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Smells Like Teen Spirit: Parenting Teenagers (with Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D.)

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In today’s episode, my regular co-host and bestie Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D., joins me to talk all things teenagers. We are by no means parenting experts, but we have loads of collective experience when it comes to mothering teens. We share our top insights and tips including strategies to diffuse tension, improve communication, and re-frame the teenage years to increase the joy and decrease the common frustrations and stressors that often arise for women in midlife who are parenting young adults.

Topics include how to take it all less personally, how to de-escalate a disagreement, how to manage a moody teen, and how to worry less and love them more.

It’s an honest, raw, and funny conversation (as always!) between two moms who get it.

Don’t miss this one!

There's still time to join my January REWIND small group mindful break from alcohol!

The program starts Jan 6, 2023:

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Resolution Reset with Wendy (Snackbite Solo Episode)

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How many years have you made New Year promises only to find yourself making them all over again 12 months later?

I share my Top 10 Tips for making lasting habit change in 2023 and every year thereafter in this bite-sized solo episode. With these strategies, you’ll make permanent, meaningful changes this year instead of giving up when “life gets lifey”, as it always does.

Learn about trying different, not harder, stacking small change, the power of positive emotion, and the pitfalls of a deprivation and willpower-based plan.

Discover how to plan for real life this time, anticipate roadblocks and create contingency plans that will keep you on track. You’ll leave this episode with a brand-new framework for goal setting in 2023!

Ready to set yourself up for a truly successful alcohol experiment in 2023? Join me in my incredibly popular 6-week small group program for women, REWIND. It starts Jan 6, 2023. Until Jan...

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How to Do Your Own Alcohol Experiment (Snackbite Solo Episode)

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Wait! Before you say, “But I don’t have a problem with alcohol”, know this – my tips in this bite-sized solo episode are critical to making permanent, meaningful change in ANY area of your life. Whether your coping mechanism of choice is red wine, salt and vinegar chips, cupcakes, or Nordstrom Rack, there’s something in this episode for everyone.

Learn the 3 C’s of making change with an experiment mindset, how this approach changed EVERYTHING for me in January 2018 and led to me being almost 5 years alcohol-free, and why it’s the underpinning of every session I coach and program I create.

Ready to set yourself up for a truly successful alcohol experiment in 2023? '

Join me in my incredibly popular 6-week small group program for women, REWIND.

I only run this once a year, so don't miss out! 

Group starts January 6, 2023. Until Jan 2nd, save $100 with code...

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“Your One Word Year” with Mary Byers

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In episode 101, I talk to Mary Byers, an author, speaker, and coach who helps organizations and individuals set priorities and develop winning focus. Mary shares her experience with her “One Word Year” experiment. She has let one word guide her each year for the last decade, and she explains how that’s helped her to concentrate on what’s most important, simplify her focus, and improve her life.

Mary and I discuss the power of this practice and Mary provides guidance on how to pick a word, how to let it guide you, and when to abandon it. I explain the impact of feelings-based goals v. behaviour-based goals and the importance of flexibility when it comes to permanently changing habits and thinking. I also share my “one word” for the new year and how it came to me after I became an empty nester earlier this fall.

The “One Word Year” is a wonderful alternative to making a laundry list...

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The Little Podcast That Could - 100th Episode Celebration (with Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D.)

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It’s the 100th episode of Bite-Sized Balance!

In today’s episode of ‘the little podcast that could’, my regular co-host and bestie Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D., joins me to celebrate 100 episodes of Bite-Sized Balance, the “fake” podcast that I started over two years ago.

We each choose a handful of episodes that stand out for us from past seasons and discuss why you should give them a listen if you haven’t had the chance or are a new listener to the show.

We also talk about feeling “couchy”, the pitfalls of Daylight Savings Time, and Sarah’s newfound passion for coaching.

Here are our favourite episodes with the links to watch on my website (you can also listen to all of these on your preferred podcast platform):

Episode 1: The Meno Whisperer (Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D.)


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