What To Do When Your Coaching Business Gets Hard

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, I share a resource that has helped shift my mindset and perspective around a business matter. I introduce the concept of 'The Dip' from the book by Seth Godin and explain how it applies to coaches who are in the process of building their businesses. I discuss the challenges and difficulties during the 'dip' phase and emphasize the importance of perseverance and redefining success. I provide strategies for navigating the dip, such as focusing on long-term goals, embracing experimentation, and letting go of old metrics for success. I encourage coaches to lean into the dip and make the most of the learning and growth opportunities it presents.

Listen to the episode here

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The Business Building Bootcamp

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90+ Powerful Coaching Questions 

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Christinaā€™s Story - Finding Freedom from Food & Alcohol


Watch the podcast episode, above, or listen, below!

This is my first of (I hope!) many client interview episodes. I think you'll love Christina's story as much as I have loved being part of it!

At the young age of 12, when she realized she needed a size bigger pair of pants than her friend, Christina started down a lifelong path of dieting, weight loss, weight gain, and body shame.

Exhausted and physically unwell, she reached out to me one year ago, at the end of her rope and ready to try different, not just harder. My holistic approach to healthy change was something she’d never tried before, but by embracing curiosity and self-compassion, Christina was able to achieve her goal of true freedom from food. She felt so great, she then tackled her unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

Constant thoughts of food and alcohol no longer consume her, and she’s loving how present and joyful she feels in all aspects of her life. In this episode, Christina...

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