Your One Big Thing (and 3 Keys to Lasting Change)

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What is your “one big thing”?

That one area of desired mental or behavioural change that you have been struggling with for years?

How would achieving the permanent change you desire in that area make everything else in your life that much easier?

In this episode, I discuss why we struggle with making lasting change and the three keys to approaching your “one big thing” differently in 2022 so that you finally achieve the outcome you desire.

Tired of making resolutions that only last a few weeks? Lasting change is possible – try different this year, not harder!

 Start changing the beliefs that are keeping you stuck in drinking now:

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Green Goddess Dressing

My most-popular salad dressing, this might just single-handedly change the way you feel about salad!

Don’t skimp: it’s totally worth picking up fresh parsley and cilantro, dried herbs just don’t cut it in this one. For a thicker dip, stir in a little plain greek yoghurt. If you don't love cilantro, you can experiment with other green herbs in its place, like basil or chives!


juice of one lime
3 tbsp tahini
1/4 c packed fresh parsley
1/4 c packed fresh cilantro
1 green onion, chopped
1 tbsp low-sodium soy or tamari sauce
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/4 tsp pepper
1/8-1/4 tsp sea salt
2 tbsp olive oil

To make:

In a food processor, combine lime juice, tahini, parsley, cilantro, onion, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, pepper, and 1/8 tsp salt and blend until smooth.

Continue to blend, slowly adding the olive oil until well-combined and more salt as needed to taste.

Makes 3/4 cup. Store leftovers in fridge.

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Non-Diet Resolutions with Dr. Jenn Salib-Huber, N.D.

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Dr. Jenn Salib-Huber and I discuss why most January resolutions fail and how women can make change in a way that supports both their mental and physical health without starting another diet. 

We also discuss the destructive willpower-based diet cycle and how to get out of it for good. Dr. Jenn explains how we can empower ourselves when it comes to making lasting, resonant change around our relationship with food, including letting go of all or nothing thinking. I talk about my decision to ditch the scale four years ago and all the freedom that has come with that.

There is still time to join my free 5-Day Rewind Alcohol Challenge: (you'll get access to the replay's for any days you've missed by registering!)

More about Dr. Jenn Salib-Huber’s Challenge:

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Menopause Policy in the Corporate World with Dr. Afsoon Ghazvinian

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Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D. co-hosts with me as we interview Dr. Ghazvinian, a functional medicine practitioner and change strategist for menopause in the workplace.

We review recent survey results from midlife employees, discuss how hormonal issues can negatively impact corporate women in midlife, and the lack of support in most workplaces around perimenopause and menopause.

We also discuss how this lack of awareness and wellness policy is costing corporate North America.

Finally, we brainstorm some practical strategies women can use to raise this issue and start the missing conversation in their own workplace.

Let’s band together and be the change!

More about Dr. Ghazvinian:

Wondering if you’re in perimenopause or menopause? Grab our free checklist at

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Menopause Awareness in Employee Wellness with Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D.

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In this week's episode, Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D., and I celebrate European company Vodaphone’s global commitment to supporting its employees through menopause. The company has issued a ground-breaking report and rolled out a training and awareness program to all its employees in relation to hormonal and life stages.

We review the report’s findings and suggestions and provide our two cents on how we can help this inclusionary movement gain traction in North America.

You’re not going to want to miss this one – the report and its recommendations will blow your mind.

Grab our perimenopause checklist, here:

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Creamy Crustless Turkey Pot Pie

 Got leftover turkey? Here’s an easy crockpot solution!


2 c. cooked turkey or chicken, cubed or otherwise cut into small pieces
1.5 c brown basmati rice
4 c low-sodium chicken broth
1 c peas (fresh or frozen)
1 c corn (fresh or frozen kernels, use organic to avoid GMO)
1 c diced carrot
2 ribs celery, diced
1 leek, white & light green part only, diced
3-4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tbsp creamy dijon mustard
1+ tsp salt (taste then add more if needed at end of cooking time)
1/2 tsp black pepper
1.5 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp marjoram
1 tsp tarragon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
2-3 c unsweetened almond milk (or cow’s milk), divided
2 tbsp arrowroot powder or flour (local bulk store or natural foods area of the grocery store will carry arrowroot)
1/2 c fresh parsley, packed then finely chopped

To make:

Add turkey, rice, broth, peas, corn, carrot, celery, leek, garlic, dijon, salt (start with 1 tsp, taste at the end and add more as needed), pepper, thyme, marjoram,...

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Cranberry Orange Holiday Bread Pudding

This is a delicious make-ahead holiday breakfast.

Pudding Ingredients:

8 c 100% whole grain bread, cut into 1” cubes (about 1 loaf) 1 cup cooked sweet potato (peel removed)
2 c almond milk
2 eggs
1/3 c maple syrup
1/4 c unsweetened applesauce
2 & 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp grated orange rind
1 tbsp orange juice
1/4 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp cloves
1/8 tsp sea salt
1 c fresh, or frozen & defrosted, cranberries


1tsp melted coconut oil 1 tsp maple syrup
1/3 c. chopped walnuts 1/2 tsp cinnamon

To make:

In a 250F oven, toast bread cubes for 15 minutes. Remove from oven. Increase oven temperature to 350F.

Meanwhile, combine sweet potato, almond milk, eggs, maple syrup, applesauce, cinnamon, vanilla, orange rind, orange juice, allspice, cloves, and salt in a blender and blend until smooth.

In a large bowl, gently combine the toasted bread cubes with blended mixture and cranberries. Transfer to a greased 9x11 baking pan. Combine topping in a small bowl...

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What To Do When It Feels Too Hard

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In today's episode, I share some of my best advice around how to make positive change (in any area of your life or wellness) when it feels too hard.

Our default is to just try harder, but that almost always leads to failure, because we are trying the wrong way. 

I provide five specific strategies for how to “try different, not harder”, including how to identify and replace the beliefs that are keeping you stuck, how to remind your brain and body it can do hard things, and how the easy days can provide the lessons you need to get through the tough ones better. You can apply everything in this episode to any area of personal growth you’re working on, from your parenting style to social media habits to your relationship with alcohol! 

For free tools and resources for making changes around alcohol, burnout, or midlife, visit:

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Rethinking the Holidays with Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D.

Watch the podcast, above, or listen below.

Sarah and I share our favourite stories, strategies, and tips for taking back the holidays – after all, you deserve a break and some fun too! Our suggestions include:

  setting an intention around what really matters to you about the holidays this year and then taking the steps to make that happen, 

  saying no to plans and events that don’t serve you,

  getting better at outsourcing and delegation,

  creating new traditions that serve you better,

  taking shortcuts that make things easier, and

  setting and enforcing boundaries to protect your own wellness and joy.

It’s the perfect pre-Holiday conversation, join us!

For free tools and resources for making change around alcohol, burnout, or midlife, visit:

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