Dr. Carol Scott - How Our First 7 Years Impact Our Success as Adults

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Dr. L. Carol Scott, PhD. (Psychology) is a TEDx speaker, author, and coach who uses a unique model to help women succeed in their business and personal lives through self-aware emotional and social intelligence.

Carol mixes hundreds of years of child development theory with 21st Century brain imaging research, decades of her own experience with hundreds of developing humans of all ages, and her own lived experience of recovery from childhood trauma and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

In this episode of BBB, Carol and I have a fascinating conversation about how the first seven years of our lives impact all aspects of our adulthood, including our business competence, parenting, and personal relationships.

Carol explains the seven assets that we are meant to develop as kids (trust, independence, faith, negotiation, vision, compromise, and acceptance) and how easy it is for us to be missing some of these as adults because of...

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Susan Larkin – Worthiness, Burnout and Gray Area Drinking

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In today's episode, my fellow Certified TNM Alcohol Coach, Susan Larkin joins me to share her story and message for busy women who are drinking more than they’d like to manage stress.

Susan’s career in medical education at an Ivy League medical school started late in her 30s. It was then that she started drinking to cope with the stress of balancing a career, family life, and getting her MBA. As her career progressed, she found herself hustling for her worthiness which led to burnout and more drinking. That nightly glass of wine turned into 2-3 or more, and she became a "gray area drinker" living an increasingly gray life.

Now an alcohol-free empty nester, Susan is passionate about helping women get their drinking under control, take back their power of choice, and create an amazing vibrant life!

Grab Susan’s free AF Socializing Guide at: www.susanlarkincoaching.com/about

Are you questioning your own drinking?...

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Ask The REWIND Alcohol Coaches (2) with Emily Lynn Paulson

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My friend, author, fellow Certified TNM Alcohol Coach, and partner in my popular women’s program, REWIND, Emily Lynn Paulson, joins me to answer a few common FAQs from women who are actively trying to drink less or stop altogether.

Emily and I answer questions about what to do if you’re trying to drink less or quit and your partner still drinks, how to deal with social situations if you’re newly alcohol-free and not sure if it’s forever, and how to know if you’re ready for change when it comes to your drinking. No matter where you are in your alcohol-free journey, we share lots of tools and strategies for making alcohol small and irrelevant. There’s something for everyone in this episode!

Are you questioning your own drinking? Our next FREE 5-Day Challenge is a fantastic place to start. Find out the keys to drinking less without willpower. Disrupt your thinking and patterns around alcohol...

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What Women Need NOW with Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D.

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Sarah shares the story of a friend’s recent frustrating experience with her care provider when she asked for support with her post-pandemic exhaustion.

Sarah and I discuss what was so disappointing about her friend's doctor’s response, and what women really need right now, as we emerge from a period of intense stress and caregiving, more burnt out and exhausted than ever.

We need a safe place to land, a chance to rest and connect in a meaningful way after years of distancing and self-isolation.

As always, this is a fun and relaxed conversation between two friends sure to confirm that you’re not alone in it all and get you thinking. Join us!

FREE 5-Day Rewind Alcohol Challenge: www.wendymccallum.com/challenge

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Karen Furneaux - Lessons in Resilience from an Olympian

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Karen Furneaux is a 3-time Olympian, 2-time World Champion, and the winner of 9 medals at the World Championships over her 20-year professional sprint kayaking career. Karen is now a published author, a broadcast analyst with CBC, and a professional speaker. 

I talk to Karen about the lessons she learned through her lifelong dedication to her sport, and how she’s using that learning to motivate others as a speaker and stay resilient after retiring from competitive kayaking.

We discuss how to set meaningful and achievable goals, the connection between wellness, mindset, and performance, the role of alcohol in wellness (including a funny anecdote about the Beijing Olympics), and how to build resilience and avoid burnout.

FREE REWIND 5-Day Drink Less Challenge: www.wendymccallum.com/challenge

More about Karen: www.ipromiseperformance.com


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How to Worry Less

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As an experienced Burnout & Alcohol Coach, I share some of my best advice on how to worry less and manage your anxiety better. My strategies range from small daily practices that build resilience and calm to simple yet effective tools you can use in a moment of overwhelm to ground and centre yourself. You can apply everything in this episode to any area of your life where you might find yourself worrying: career, parenting or relationships!

FREE 5-Day Drink Less REWIND Challenge: www.wendymccallum.com/challenge

For free tools and resources for making change around alcohol, burnout, or midlife, visit: www.wendymccallum.com/learn-with-wendy

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Menopause - How It Started (and How It’s Going) with Wendy and Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D.

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 Sarah and I provide an update as to what’s changed for us in the last six months or so in our transition post-menopause. The discussion includes how the hormonal and other treatments have worked out for us, how our menopausal symptoms have shifted and improved, and what we’ve learned about ourselves and what we need (and want!) more of as we begin the second half of our lives. As always, this is a candid, relaxed conversation between friends with a few belly laughs inserted for good measure.

Join us!

Grab our free perimenopause/menopause checklist, here: www.wendymccallum.com/perichecklist

FREE 5 Day Alcohol Challenge: www.wendymccallum.com/challenge

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Ask The REWIND Alcohol Coaches

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My friend, author, fellow Certified TNM Alcohol Coach, and partner in our popular women’s program, REWIND, Emily Lynn Paulson, joins me to answer a few common FAQs from women who are actively trying to drink less or stop altogether.

One question comes from someone who’s still drinking but would like to take a break, another from a woman who has been alcohol-free for a short time but is struggling with cravings, and a third from a person who has been sober for a long time but is still feeling like the “odd mom out”. No matter where you are in your alcohol-free journey, we share lots of tools and strategies for making alcohol small and irrelevant. There’s something for everyone in this episode!

Are you questioning your own drinking? Our next FREE 5-Day REWIND Challenge is a fantastic place to start. Find out the keys to drinking less without willpower. Disrupt your thinking and patterns around...

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Caregiver Burnout During Covid with Neonatal ICU Nurse Angela Fitzgerald

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In this episode, guest Angela Fitzgerald, Neonatal ICU Nurse, and I discuss how the pandemic has impacted the nurses in Angela’s unit and more generally, the challenges that come with shift work and being in a caregiving profession during COVID-19.

Angela approached me a couple of months ago because she saw a need for this conversation around wellness and burnout prevention (and recovery) in her profession. She went through her own burnout a year ago and learned a lot about how to create a better balance as a busy nurse with a family at home. Together, Angela and I provide some strategies for reducing overwhelm and stress and improving sleep, nutrition, and self-care while working shifts and dealing with all of the additional pressures of nursing during the pandemic. Whether you are in a caregiving profession or not, you’ll learn a lot from this conversation about meaningful self-care and balance.

For information on...

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The Unexpected Joys of Midlife Friendship with Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D.

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Feeling a little lonely lately? It’s been a tough couple of years when it comes to connection. Sarah and I reflect on the role female friendships have played in our lives and how the nature of some of our friendships has changed over the years. We discuss the isolation and loneliness that can come with motherhood and midlife, and how a meaningful connection with a like-minded person can change that.

We also examine our own friendship and share the story of how we met and became such fast friends, how Wendy nabbed a spot in Sarah's "coven", and the surprising joys unexpected friendships in midlife have brought us.

Grab a cup of tea or lace up your walking shoes and join Sarah and me for a light, engaging, and uplifting conversation!

Grab Wendy and Sarah’s free perimenopause/menopause checklist, here: www.wendymccallum.com/perichecklist

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