The Importance of Small Talk with Coaching Clients

In my BBB business-building community for coaches, I recently had a member who was considering creating a package of 30-minute coaching sessions. She believed if she could cut the small talk, the sessions could be shorter and she could price them more affordably, and thereby serve her clients.

In this episode, I share how I helped this member see the many holes in her strategy, including a discussion about how pricing is about so much more than the physical time you spend with a client. But budgeting time for small talk can be really valuable and often leads to much more productive sessions. All that to say, less is not always more. And if you haven’t been coached in a while, we’ll talk about why it’s time to invest in yourself too. If you’re frustrated by clients who have a hard time getting to the point, or spend a lot of time on small talk, you won’t want to miss the learning in this episode!

 Listen to the episode here

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My Biggest Coaching Mistakes! (What Not To Do) Pt 2 of 2

In this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing even more of the mistakes I made early on in my coaching business so you don’t have to learn the hard way. I’ll share how to establish that like, know, and trust factor to connect with leads, what to prioritize when pricing your programs, and why mapping out financial goals is key to keeping you in business - and so much more. Pay attention - this one’s packed with great tips!

If a coaching business was as simple as being a great coach, there would be a whole lot more coaches in this business. Building a coaching business is not easy - it takes a ton of work, creativity, and a fair bit of patience. But if your gut is telling you this is the right career for you, you can make it happen, I promise. First up, you’re going to need a steady, reliable stream of clients to be profitable.

Listen to the episode here

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Bonita Grobbelaar ā€“ The Role of Vulnerability in Preventing Burnout

Watch the podcast, above, or listen below.

Bonita Grobbelaar is a coach and CEO of Global Healthy Relationships, where she helps busy women find balance and success in their own lives and relationships.

In this episode, Bonita and I dig into one of the main reasons why we find ourselves in burnout: we don’t ask for enough help.

We discuss the perfectionism standard and how it keeps women stuck, why women resist asking for help, why vulnerability is a superpower (not a weakness!), and the critical role vulnerability plays in preventing burnout and creating meaningful connections at work, home, and in romantic relationships.

Info on Bonita’s next Unlock Lasting Love Workshop can be found here:

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Christinaā€™s Story - Finding Freedom from Food & Alcohol


Watch the podcast episode, above, or listen, below!

This is my first of (I hope!) many client interview episodes. I think you'll love Christina's story as much as I have loved being part of it!

At the young age of 12, when she realized she needed a size bigger pair of pants than her friend, Christina started down a lifelong path of dieting, weight loss, weight gain, and body shame.

Exhausted and physically unwell, she reached out to me one year ago, at the end of her rope and ready to try different, not just harder. My holistic approach to healthy change was something she’d never tried before, but by embracing curiosity and self-compassion, Christina was able to achieve her goal of true freedom from food. She felt so great, she then tackled her unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

Constant thoughts of food and alcohol no longer consume her, and she’s loving how present and joyful she feels in all aspects of her life. In this episode, Christina...

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