Mastering Live Events: A Sales Strategy for Coaches with Christy Osborne

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, Christy Osborne and I discuss the use of live events as a way to sell coaching offers. We share our experiences and insights from running live events and provide valuable tips for coaches who are considering this strategy. We emphasize the importance of building like, know, and trust with potential clients and highlight the benefits of collaboration and co-hosting. We also discuss the expectations and conversion rates associated with live events and offer advice on creating a live event funnel. We're giving you a realistic and practical perspective on using live events as a marketing tool in your coaching practice.

Listen to this episode here

Want to work with me? Check out the resources I offer

The Business Building Bootcamp

Get Clients NOW Free Masterclass

90+ Powerful Coaching Questions

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Basic SEO for Coaches with Keri Engel

Hi Coaches! 

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, I talk with SEO and content specialist Keri Engel to discuss the basics of SEO for coaches. We’ll cover topics such as understanding SEO, creating content for SEO, optimizing website pages, building organic traffic, and the importance of blogging using clear and straightforward language. 

Keri shares tips around researching keywords and phrases, utilizing Google search and forums, leveraging Reddit for SEO, repurposing content, optimizing titles and subheadings, overcoming content overwhelm, and using AI for content creation. This is a must-listen episode for anyone looking to up their SEO game!

Get in touch with Keri here:

Listen to The Coaching Edge here

Want to work with me? Check out the resources I offer

The Business Building Bootcamp

Get Clients NOW Free Masterclass

90+ Powerful Coaching Questions 


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Coaching Discovery Calls That Sell

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, I give specific pointers and actionable tactics for coaches to make their discovery or sales calls feel easier and more natural. I emphasize the importance of being comfortable with your approach to selling and highlight the need for an intake form to gather information about potential clients. I also stress the significance of being clear on the offer and its value. I suggest using automated reminders and engaging in small talk at the beginning of the call to create a comfortable environment.

Additionally, I discuss the importance of understanding the client's needs, sharing personal stories, and mirroring their language. I’ll guide you on inviting the client to join, handling price discussions, addressing objections, and giving clients time to decide. 

Listen to The Coaching Edge here

Want to work with me? Check out the resources I offer

The Business Building Bootcamp

Get Clients NOW Free Masterclass

90+ Powerful Coaching...

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The Magic of Back End Coaching Groups + Memberships

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, we’ll discuss the concept of back-end memberships as a way for coaches to create group coaching programs. Back-end memberships are small coaching groups sold to clients who have already completed a one-on-one program.

I’ll highlight the benefits of back-end memberships, such as selling to a warm audience and curating a community. I share my own experience of starting a back-end membership for coaching around alcohol and burnout. I provide practical advice on starting a waitlist, launching a beta program, and partnering with another coach.

Listen to The Coaching Edge here

Want to work with me? Check out the resources I offer

The Business Building Bootcamp

My Pricing Masterclass

90+ Powerful Coaching Questions 

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Howdy Partner! A Practical Guide to Partnerships Between Coaches

Hey coaches, welcome back to another insightful episode of the Coaching Edge! In this edition, I dive into the world of coach collaborations, exploring key considerations before embarking on a joint coaching venture or program. Partnerships can be a fantastic way to amplify your impact and reach, but success and profit lie in careful planning and alignment.

Tune in as I break down essential questions to ask before entering a coaching partnership. From assessing compatibility in coaching styles and personal rapport to addressing content contribution, coaching time, platform hosting, and marketing strategies, I cover it all. 

Learn about ownership of content, potential spinoff benefits, and how to navigate the financial aspects, ensuring a fair and harmonious collaboration. Whether you're a seasoned coach or just stepping into the world of partnerships, this episode is packed with practical insights to help you build successful and sustainable collaborations in the coaching...

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Marketing Mindset Matters with Coach Christy Osborne

One thing that I find that coaches who are building a business continually misunderstand is the business of marketing. It can feel so overwhelming that we resist showing up in this part of our business. But here’s the reality; without it, you don’t have a business, let alone a profitable one. So I’ve invited Coach Christy Osborne back so we could talk about the mindset you have to embrace to attract the clients you want.

We’ll talk about why you don’t have to have a degree in marketing to grow your coaching business, and why you need to start by picking one medium and platform that feels most natural to you and commit to showing up consistently there. We’ll share examples from our own experience of how the like, know, and trust factor is critical in a successful coaching business and why you have to commit to the long game in your marketing strategy to build it.

Listen to the episode here

To connect with Coach Christy, check out her website...

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The Price is Right: Pricing Lessons with Coach Christy Osborne

Pricing your offer: This is a topic that will make any coach squirm-and for good reason. You’ve probably asked yourself- “who am I to charge that much?”. We all have. But staying stuck here too long will absolutely drive you to burnout and cause you to walk away from your dream business. So we need to talk about it.

Today I’ve invited long-time Business Building Bootcamp Member, Christy Osborne, to share three powerful lessons she’s learned about pricing her coaching offers. The truth is that charging premium prices not only serves you, it also means that your clients have skin in the game, which means they’re invested in the outcome.

Charging more empowers both you and the client to commit to the process and the transformation. We’re getting clear about the fact that we’re not charging for just our time- in setting our rate we’re assigning value to the desired outcome your clients are craving. We’ll also talk about what it...

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The Importance of Small Talk with Coaching Clients

In my BBB business-building community for coaches, I recently had a member who was considering creating a package of 30-minute coaching sessions. She believed if she could cut the small talk, the sessions could be shorter and she could price them more affordably, and thereby serve her clients.

In this episode, I share how I helped this member see the many holes in her strategy, including a discussion about how pricing is about so much more than the physical time you spend with a client. But budgeting time for small talk can be really valuable and often leads to much more productive sessions. All that to say, less is not always more. And if you haven’t been coached in a while, we’ll talk about why it’s time to invest in yourself too. If you’re frustrated by clients who have a hard time getting to the point, or spend a lot of time on small talk, you won’t want to miss the learning in this episode!

 Listen to the episode here

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My Biggest Coaching Mistakes! (What Not To Do) Pt 1 of 2

Welcome to the first episode of the Coaching Edge podcast! I am so excited you’re here. I know you’re busy building a business and working on your own work-life balance, and because of that, I’m committed to never wasting your time. I’ll be packing a lot of strategic advice into less than thirty minutes every two weeks so you have clear direction and the energy to implement everything we talk about here.

In this first episode, I’ll share how I knew it was time to leave a successful law career that left me in a perpetual state of burnout. More importantly, I’ll dive into three of the biggest mistakes I made in those first few months of my new coaching business, and how you can avoid them. I know you are looking for ways to be strategic about a career move that might feel really risky. Listening to someone’s advice who’s been there is the perfect place to do that! Start here, then check out the next episode where I share even...

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Sheri Allain: How to Become a Midlife Entrepreneur

Watch the podcast, above, or listen below.

After marketing top brands like Coca-Cola, Ford, and Unilever, Sheri started her 1st business as a new mom on maternity leave. She later bootstrapped her 2nd business into 6-figures while freelancing and raising two young kids. She regularly teaches Marketing & Sales for the City of Toronto and has helped 400+ entrepreneurs brand, launch and grow their startups.

Sheri and I discuss the amazing midlife entrepreneur boom we've both witnessed in recent years and our own experiences as female business owners in midlife.

Specifically, we talk about:

  the estrogen connection, 
  confidence in midlife,
  what holds women back from starting a business,
  how entrepreneurship can actually be easier than “working for the man”, and
  the 5 things you need to nail for entrepreneurial success.

If you’ve been dreaming of being your own boss, start here!

Find Sheri at

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