Ayurveda, Womenā€™s Hormones and Midlife with Carina Greweling

No matter what kind of healing or balance you're seeking in this season of life, you've probably realized that quick fixes and shortcuts rarely bring about lasting results. But taking that initial step towards educating yourself is the first stride toward creating real change.

 In this episode, I sit down with Ayurveda Health Coach, Carina Greweling, who helps women achieve lasting balance by restoring healthy sleep, gut health, and energy. She's a certified Ayurveda Hormone Coach, Chinese medicine practitioner, and naturopath.

In this crash course in Ayurvedic wisdom, Carina explains the three constitution types known as doshas, which are rooted in the five fundamental elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether. According to Ayurvedic medicine, the doshas play a significant role in shaping an individual's physical, emotional, and mental characteristics.  This was all new to me, but I found it fascinating. It’s a really interesting complementary approach...

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