Crafting Compelling Freebies: Boosting Opt-Ins and Building Trust

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, we'll delve into a crucial part of building your coaching business – offering high-value freebies. In an age where building genuine connections is key, I share the significance of providing very valuable free content to your audience. We'll talk about why a curated list of creative high-value freebie ideas, tailored to help you find the perfect match for your brand values and target audience.

I guide listeners through the process of assessing existing freebies and enhancing their value to ensure they resonate with your audience effectively. Addressing a common fear, we'll candidly discuss the misconception that giving too much away might devalue your services. Instead, we'll uncover the magic of building trust and credibility, showcasing how strategic freebies can significantly impact opt-in rates, email gathering, and audience growth.

Tune in to learn how to create freebies that not only attract your ideal clients but also foster a...

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Marketing Mindset Matters with Coach Christy Osborne

One thing that I find that coaches who are building a business continually misunderstand is the business of marketing. It can feel so overwhelming that we resist showing up in this part of our business. But here’s the reality; without it, you don’t have a business, let alone a profitable one. So I’ve invited Coach Christy Osborne back so we could talk about the mindset you have to embrace to attract the clients you want.

We’ll talk about why you don’t have to have a degree in marketing to grow your coaching business, and why you need to start by picking one medium and platform that feels most natural to you and commit to showing up consistently there. We’ll share examples from our own experience of how the like, know, and trust factor is critical in a successful coaching business and why you have to commit to the long game in your marketing strategy to build it.

Listen to the episode here

To connect with Coach Christy, check out her website...

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The Write Path: Navigating the Publishing World as a Coach with Emily Lynn Paulson

In this episode of Coaching Edge, I’m joined by Emily Lynn Paulson, a Coach and two-time author with valuable insights into the world of publishing. Emily shares the three key things she wished she'd known before becoming an author. These include the differences between self-publishing, hybrid publishing, and traditional publishing, as she sheds light on their pros and cons. Emily also discusses the often-underestimated expenses associated with publishing.

Emily also reveals a few lesser-known facts about publishing, including that most writers fund their own book tours and that there’s a ton of persistence (not to mention a pretty thick skin!) required to overcome rejection in the publishing world. Emily emphasizes the role of social media in an author's journey and success, and how to know when you’re emotionally ready to share your story, making this episode a must-listen for any coaches considering writing a book.

Listen to the episode here


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The Price is Right: Pricing Lessons with Coach Christy Osborne

Pricing your offer: This is a topic that will make any coach squirm-and for good reason. You’ve probably asked yourself- “who am I to charge that much?”. We all have. But staying stuck here too long will absolutely drive you to burnout and cause you to walk away from your dream business. So we need to talk about it.

Today I’ve invited long-time Business Building Bootcamp Member, Christy Osborne, to share three powerful lessons she’s learned about pricing her coaching offers. The truth is that charging premium prices not only serves you, it also means that your clients have skin in the game, which means they’re invested in the outcome.

Charging more empowers both you and the client to commit to the process and the transformation. We’re getting clear about the fact that we’re not charging for just our time- in setting our rate we’re assigning value to the desired outcome your clients are craving. We’ll also talk about what it...

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The Importance of Small Talk with Coaching Clients

In my BBB business-building community for coaches, I recently had a member who was considering creating a package of 30-minute coaching sessions. She believed if she could cut the small talk, the sessions could be shorter and she could price them more affordably, and thereby serve her clients.

In this episode, I share how I helped this member see the many holes in her strategy, including a discussion about how pricing is about so much more than the physical time you spend with a client. But budgeting time for small talk can be really valuable and often leads to much more productive sessions. All that to say, less is not always more. And if you haven’t been coached in a while, we’ll talk about why it’s time to invest in yourself too. If you’re frustrated by clients who have a hard time getting to the point, or spend a lot of time on small talk, you won’t want to miss the learning in this episode!

 Listen to the episode here

Want to work with...

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How to Market Old-School (& Make Money Now)

While the majority of coach training and certification programs emphasize social media as your key marketing platform, the truth is that social media is often a slow burn in the beginning. It’s super important to create and offer free valuable content consistently, but in the very beginning, social media is unlikely to lead to many paying clients.

In this episode, I’m sharing my favourite old-school marketing methods and explaining why they’re still really effective in a post-Covid world. You’ll walk away with a handful of actionable ideas for how to leverage your existing personal and business contacts, get your name out in your local and online community, and identify valuable ways to partner with complementary businesses and practitioners, so you can start making money right now! We’ll also talk about why being connected to a community of other like-minded coaches is 100% key to your success.

 Listen to the episode here

If you’re...

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My Biggest Coaching Mistakes! (What Not To Do) Pt 2 of 2

In this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing even more of the mistakes I made early on in my coaching business so you don’t have to learn the hard way. I’ll share how to establish that like, know, and trust factor to connect with leads, what to prioritize when pricing your programs, and why mapping out financial goals is key to keeping you in business - and so much more. Pay attention - this one’s packed with great tips!

If a coaching business was as simple as being a great coach, there would be a whole lot more coaches in this business. Building a coaching business is not easy - it takes a ton of work, creativity, and a fair bit of patience. But if your gut is telling you this is the right career for you, you can make it happen, I promise. First up, you’re going to need a steady, reliable stream of clients to be profitable.

Listen to the episode here

Want to work with me? Check out the resources I offer

The Business Building...

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My Biggest Coaching Mistakes! (What Not To Do) Pt 1 of 2

Welcome to the first episode of the Coaching Edge podcast! I am so excited you’re here. I know you’re busy building a business and working on your own work-life balance, and because of that, I’m committed to never wasting your time. I’ll be packing a lot of strategic advice into less than thirty minutes every two weeks so you have clear direction and the energy to implement everything we talk about here.

In this first episode, I’ll share how I knew it was time to leave a successful law career that left me in a perpetual state of burnout. More importantly, I’ll dive into three of the biggest mistakes I made in those first few months of my new coaching business, and how you can avoid them. I know you are looking for ways to be strategic about a career move that might feel really risky. Listening to someone’s advice who’s been there is the perfect place to do that! Start here, then check out the next episode where I share even...

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Season 4 Wrap-Up: Reflections, Joy, and New Beginnings with Sarah Baillie

In this bittersweet season finale, Sarah Baillie and I come together to share some big news: the early wrap-up of Season 4. It's been a tough decision, but one that opens up exciting opportunities on the horizon for both of us. We peel back the curtain on the "why" behind this choice, exploring the joyous spaces it's creating for personal pursuits.

For me (Wendy McCallum), it means dedicating more time to my passion for writing fiction and diving into my Business Building Bootcamp community for coaches and my podcast, The Coaching Edge. Meanwhile, Sarah is excited about immersing herself in patient care and family time, and generating innovative ideas for her coaching practice. We take a trip down memory lane, reminiscing about where we began in Season 1 (the "fake podcast") and marveling at the incredible journey of personal and professional growth since our estrogen-fueled conversations about nurturing and women’s midlife.

Join us for a heartfelt review of what we've...

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No One Is Coming: Embracing Personal Responsibility for a Joyful Life with Sarah Baillie

In this second to last episode of Season 4 of Bite-Sized Balance, I'm joined by Sarah Baillie to explore what’s been a game-changing concept for both of us: "No One Is Coming." We dive deep into the profound reality that if our lives aren't what we want them to be, the power to change that rests solely in our hands. This awakening often hits women hard in midlife, around menopause, as the awareness of time becomes more acute. 

Drawing inspiration from unexpected places like the Trolls movie, Sarah shares her insights into personal responsibility and the freedom it brings. We discuss the big-picture and smaller-picture ways we can apply the idea of "No One Is Coming" to craft days and years that align with our desires. 

Letting go of what doesn't serve us, whether it's social media, alcohol, or unfulfilling relationships, creates uncomfortable but fertile space for creativity and the exploration of what brings us joy.

Join us as we discuss the difference between...

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