Mastering Live Events: A Sales Strategy for Coaches with Christy Osborne

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, Christy Osborne and I discuss the use of live events as a way to sell coaching offers. We share our experiences and insights from running live events and provide valuable tips for coaches who are considering this strategy. We emphasize the importance of building like, know, and trust with potential clients and highlight the benefits of collaboration and co-hosting. We also discuss the expectations and conversion rates associated with live events and offer advice on creating a live event funnel. We're giving you a realistic and practical perspective on using live events as a marketing tool in your coaching practice.

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How to Use AI as a Coach with Christy Osborne

Hi Coach! Let's talk about AI and how to use it in your coaching business!

In this episode, Christy Osborne and I discuss the use of AI in coaching. We dive into the topic of AI, addressing the resistance some coaches may have towards using it. Our conversation covers various ways to use AI, including creating niche statements, course outlines, show notes, titles, and social media ideas. We emphasize the importance of tweaking and personalizing the AI-generated content to align with your voice and audience.

Want to listen to this episode of The Coaching Edge? Listen here

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90+ Powerful Coaching Questions 

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A Different Framework for Goal Setting as a Coach

Hi coach! In this episode of The Coaching Edge, we’ll discuss the importance of goal setting and how it should be an ongoing practice. I emphasize the value of setting specific revenue goals for business success, and I’ll also introduce the concept of setting goals based on how we want to feel rather than what we want to achieve.

Reflecting on progress and achievements is an essential step in goal setting. I’ll suggest focusing on supporting specific clients and improving coaching skills. I also encourage you to take control of your personal growth outside of the business and take risks to overcome fear. Tune in to get some of my best tips about goal setting in your personal and professional life.

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Coaching Discovery Calls That Sell

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, I give specific pointers and actionable tactics for coaches to make their discovery or sales calls feel easier and more natural. I emphasize the importance of being comfortable with your approach to selling and highlight the need for an intake form to gather information about potential clients. I also stress the significance of being clear on the offer and its value. I suggest using automated reminders and engaging in small talk at the beginning of the call to create a comfortable environment.

Additionally, I discuss the importance of understanding the client's needs, sharing personal stories, and mirroring their language. I’ll guide you on inviting the client to join, handling price discussions, addressing objections, and giving clients time to decide. 

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My Unique Strategies for Beating Coach Burnout

Hi coaches, in this episode of The Coaching Edge, we’ll talk about burnout prevention for coaches.

I share my personal experience with burnout and how it led me to become a burnout coach. I emphasize the importance of outsourcing tasks that drain your energy and focusing on the parts of your business that you love.

I’ll also provide tips for setting financial goals, setting boundaries, adopting a beta mindset, and managing social media. I encourage coaches to track red flags and make positive changes to prevent burnout.

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90+ Powerful Coaching Questions 


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The Magic of Back End Coaching Groups + Memberships

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, we’ll discuss the concept of back-end memberships as a way for coaches to create group coaching programs. Back-end memberships are small coaching groups sold to clients who have already completed a one-on-one program.

I’ll highlight the benefits of back-end memberships, such as selling to a warm audience and curating a community. I share my own experience of starting a back-end membership for coaching around alcohol and burnout. I provide practical advice on starting a waitlist, launching a beta program, and partnering with another coach.

Listen to The Coaching Edge here

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The Business Building Bootcamp

My Pricing Masterclass

90+ Powerful Coaching Questions 

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The Art of Effortless Coaching Sales with Becky Keen

Tune in to the latest episode of The Coaching Edge podcast, where I have a dynamic chat with the incredible Becky Keen, a Master Coach and sales expert. Becky and I explore the secrets to selling your coaching services with ease. Unveiling the importance of believing wholeheartedly in the value of your coaching offer, we navigate through the nuances of transparent pricing, addressing the perennial dilemma of whether to display prices on your website.

We also discuss the difference between making an invitation versus a convincing sales pitch and share valuable insights on how to transition from “I hate sales” to “I love sales calls. Bring them on.” 

From the dangers of underpricing to the myths surrounding high-ticket offers, we dismantle the traditional, pushy patriarchal sales model, paving the way for a more authentic, organic, and feminine approach that resonates not only with coaches but also with their clients.

If you've ever felt the discomfort...

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Crafting Compelling Freebies: Boosting Opt-Ins and Building Trust

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, we'll delve into a crucial part of building your coaching business – offering high-value freebies. In an age where building genuine connections is key, I share the significance of providing very valuable free content to your audience. We'll talk about why a curated list of creative high-value freebie ideas, tailored to help you find the perfect match for your brand values and target audience.

I guide listeners through the process of assessing existing freebies and enhancing their value to ensure they resonate with your audience effectively. Addressing a common fear, we'll candidly discuss the misconception that giving too much away might devalue your services. Instead, we'll uncover the magic of building trust and credibility, showcasing how strategic freebies can significantly impact opt-in rates, email gathering, and audience growth.

Tune in to learn how to create freebies that not only attract your ideal clients but also foster a...

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