Jessie Harrold - Why Women's Rituals & Self-Care Matter

Listen to this episode above! (There is no video of this podcast, the universe was not cooperating - it's definitely worth a listen, though - it was a GREAT conversation!)


Jessie Harrold is a coach, women's mentor and doula who has been supporting women through radical life transformations and other rites of passage for over a decade. She is also the author of Project Body Love: My Quest to Love My Body and the Surprising Truth I Found Instead.


In this episode, Jessie and I discuss some of the transformative life experiences women go through (like motherhood, leadership, empty nesting, menopause and sobriety). We also talk about the importance of slowing down, listening to your body and heart and using what you learn to develop rituals of meaningful self-care. Tune in to hear Jessie's famous "pee example"!


Jessie shares her definition of “ritual” and explains how we can use ritual to “put a pin in our life map” and...

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Ask the Coach – How to Stay Balanced Over the Holidays


 Watch the episode, above, or listen, below!


Today, I'm answering this question from Sara, a Bite-Sized Balance listener:


“How can I maintain my balance and actually enjoy the holidays this year?”


In this short podcast episode, I provide loads of simple strategies and tips for living more intentionally this holiday season so that you can start 2021 feeling relaxed, recharged and restored (instead of over-stuffed and exhausted!)

Topics include how to say “no” more often, simplify traditions, eat and drink more mindfully, prep meals in advance with a “Cook Once, Eat Twice” plan, and schedule and prioritize much-needed downtime.

Got a burning question you'd love me to answer in an upcoming episode? Send it to me at [email protected]! For more tips & strategies for a balanced, healthy life, follow me on Instagram and Facebook: @wendymccallumcoach

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Ask The Coach: Wendy McCallum & Scott Pinyard of This Naked Mind - Burnout & Alcohol

I got to guest host on This Naked Mind's popular podcast last month and the episode is now available to watch, above, or listen to, below.


Scott Pinyard, Head Coach of This Naked Mind, and I answered listener questions about how to deal with work stress and how to get back on track with healthy habits after a "blip" or "data point".

My advice around tools for coping with stress applies whether your drug of choice is alcohol, food, social media, or online shopping - so please have a listen even if you're happy with your relationship with alcohol, I think you'll learn a lot!

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Sarah Baillie, N.D. - Women’s Burnout & Adrenal Fatigue


 Watch the episode, above, or listen, below!

Sarah Baillie, N.D. (aka “The Meno Whisperer) and I discuss why women’s burnout is on the rise (including the role of the pandemic and the “third shift” many women are now working), how women get to burnout and the common (and not so common) symptoms. We also discuss the connection between hormonal shifts in peri-menopause and menopause and higher burnout rates during that life stage (as reflected in Sarah’s patients and my coaching practice). Sarah describes the “GAS” mechanism (see diagram below) created by chronic stress and how that eventually leads to exhaustion. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this conversation where Sarah and I provide lots of practical tips for managing cortisol and preventing burnout. (The online test for adrenal fatigue Sarah refers to during the episode can be found here: )


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Annie Grace - Alcohol and Women's Burnout

 Watch the episode, above, or listen, below!

This is a big deal, everyone! I quite literally had to talk myself into even inviting Annie to be on my podcast.


If you don't know much about Annie Grace, she's HUGE. I mean HUGE HUGE. She's a big deal and she's the real deal. She also, quite literally, changed my life.


I wanted to interview her SO badly, but I found myself struggling with my own limiting beliefs and fears. After a little "self-coaching", I leaned into them, wrote her a long email explaining why she was my #1 dream guest, edited it about 1000 times, took a deep breath, and hit "send" (and then felt slightly nauseous for the rest of the weekend). But she said YES!  (I'm sharing this story to remind you that I'm human, just like you, and that sometimes you just need to feel the fear and do it anyway to get what you want in life.)


In this episode, I interview my mentor Annie Grace, the author of This Naked Mind: Control...

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Ask The Coach - Why Can’t I Make Habit Changes Last?

Watch the episode, above, or download and listen, below!


In the second installment of “Ask The Coach”, I answer this question from a Bite-Sized Balance listener:


“I know that I need to change, but I can’t seem to get any momentum. I can do it for about a week, but then I always fall off the wagon. How can I make lasting change?”


I have over 10 years of coaching experience supporting busy women who are struggling to maintain balance and relying too much on unhealthy coping mechanisms. In this short podcast episode, I explain why it can seem so hard to make habit changes stick and provide several proven strategies, including “trying different, not harder”, re-framing your goals from an abundance mindset, and tweaking your system until it produces the results you want, for achieving sustainable, lasting change.


Got a burning question you'd love me to answer in an upcoming episode? Send it...

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Guest Victoria English Martin - Breast Cancer Awareness

Watch the podcast episode above, or listen, below:


Victoria English Martin is an integrative nutrition coach, fitness professional, breast cancer survivor, and advocate. She’s also my friend, a Certified Naked Mind coach, and the host of the podcast, After The Crisis.

In honour of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Victoria joins me to share her personal survivor story and educate women about early detection, risk management, and the importance of advocating for yourself as a patient --in the hope that she can prevent other women from going through what she did. She also shares her thoughts as to how we can best support a loved one going through cancer, which I found to be really helpful advice.

For more information on Victoria and her podcast, visit

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Ask The Coach - How Do I Deal With Cravings?

Watch the episode, above, or download and listen, below!


I'm adding a new regular feature to the podcast that I'm hoping you'll love, Ask The Coach, where I answer questions from you, the listeners.

In the first installment of “Ask The Coach”, I answer this question from Shannon, a Bite-Sized Balance listener:

“Every morning I promise myself I won’t eat sugar that day, but every night the craving hits, and I give in again. What can I do differently?”

 In this short podcast episode, I explain how cravings work and provide three practical, bite-sized strategies to diffuse a craving when it hits, no matter what it is you’re craving.

Have you got a burning question you'd love me to answer in an upcoming episode? Send it to me at [email protected] (Please let me know if you're OK with me using your first name on air, or if you'd rather I use a pseudonym -- either is fine!)

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Dr. Sarah Baillie, ND - aka The Meno Whisperer (She's Back) Pt 2 of 2

Watch the podcast interview, above, or listen, below!

Can you do Sarah and I a favour? If you're enjoying the podcast, we'd be so grateful if you'd take a minute to visit iTunes and give it a quick review - it really helps us spread the word! 


October is World Menopause Awareness Month and the "Meno Whisperer", Dr. Sarah Baillie, is BACK!

In Part 2 of this conversation, host Wendy McCallum and Sarah really dig into why awareness around perimenopause and menopause is so low for most women, and what the incredible (but rarely-discussed!) gifts in this life transition can be if we just open ourselves up to them. They also discuss the common symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, the range of options available to women for better hormonal and symptom management, and the most important first step in taking back some power -- slowing down and getting aware of what they are experiencing (physically, mentally and emotionally) and what they are doing (or not doing)...

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Guest Dr. Sarah Baillie, ND - aka The Meno Whisperer (She's Back) Pt 1 of 2


 Watch the podcast interview, above, or listen, below!

By the way, if you're enjoying the podcast, I'd be so grateful if you'd take a minute to visit iTunes and give it a quick review - it really helps us spread the word! 


October is World Menopause Awareness Month and the "Meno Whisperer", Dr. Sarah Baillie, is BACK!

Host Wendy McCallum and Sarah really dig into why awareness around perimenopause and menopause is so low for most women, and what the incredible (but rarely-discussed!) gifts in this life transition can be if we just open ourselves up to them. They also discuss the common symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, the range of options available to women for better hormonal and symptom management, and the most important first step in taking back some power -- slowing down and getting aware of what they are experiencing (physically, mentally and emotionally) and what they are doing (or not doing) to take meaningful care of themselves as they go...

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