Creating An Online Coaching Course

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, I share the process of creating an online course for coaches. I emphasize the importance of determining the purpose of the course and where it fits in your suite of offers.

I also provide guidance on choosing a topic for the course, including identifying personal journeys or transformations that you have experienced and can teach others, as well as looking at the pain points and challenges that your clients commonly face.

I recommend keeping the content manageable and considering additional content as bonus material or future offerings.In this episode of The Coaching Edge, I share the process of creating an online course for coaches. I emphasize the importance of determining the purpose of the course and where it fits in your suite of offers.

Listen to this episode of The Coaching Edge here

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Martha Wright: From Vineyards to Mocktails

Watch the podcast, above, or listen below.

Sobercurious or looking to drink a little less? You won't want to miss this episode!

I interview fellow This Naked Mind Coach, Martha Wright, about her decision to become alcohol-free and her midlife career transition from wine importer and vineyard owner to alcohol-free beverage expert & advocate.

Martha and I discuss women’s gray-area drinking and the revolutionary approach to changing your relationship with alcohol: the This Naked Mind philosophy. Martha provides a few of her best tips for living life fully (including visiting wine country!) while staying alcohol-free, along with her best picks for alcohol-free wines, spirits, and botanicals.

Find Martha’s picks list at

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Annie Grace - Alcohol and Women's Burnout

 Watch the episode, above, or listen, below!

This is a big deal, everyone! I quite literally had to talk myself into even inviting Annie to be on my podcast.


If you don't know much about Annie Grace, she's HUGE. I mean HUGE HUGE. She's a big deal and she's the real deal. She also, quite literally, changed my life.


I wanted to interview her SO badly, but I found myself struggling with my own limiting beliefs and fears. After a little "self-coaching", I leaned into them, wrote her a long email explaining why she was my #1 dream guest, edited it about 1000 times, took a deep breath, and hit "send" (and then felt slightly nauseous for the rest of the weekend). But she said YES!  (I'm sharing this story to remind you that I'm human, just like you, and that sometimes you just need to feel the fear and do it anyway to get what you want in life.)


In this episode, I interview my mentor Annie Grace, the author of This Naked Mind: Control...

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