The Alcohol-Free Marriage with Amy and Matt Edwards


Watch the podcast, above, or listen below.

Amy and Matt Edwards are the hosts of the Alcohol-Free Marriage Podcast. Amy is also a certified coach who helps high-achieving women get out of the shame and blame cycle when it comes to their relationship with alcohol.

They join me today to share their story of quitting drinking as former craft beer enthusiasts and starting the podcast – the ups, the downs, and some of the joyful surprises of leaving alcohol behind together.

Tune in to find out how they got to the decision to take a mindful break from alcohol, who stopped first, who was the “ringleader” when it came to their drinking, what was hardest about quitting for each of them, whether moderation worked for either of them and what advice Matt and Amy would give an alcohol-free person whose spouse is still drinking.

This is a really entertaining conversation with a fun and upbeat duo!

Alcohol-Free Marriage Podcast info:


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